Justin Bieber and Kate Middleton Really Click in Middle East

The answer, dear readers, is you. Online, two of the most googled names in the Middle East are Justin’s and Kate’s. In terms of clicks (the number of times you guys click your mouse on a link) their titles are gold dust. What I don’t understand is why?

Celebrity is a funny old concept, particularly when stardom isn’t earned through talent. At least with Justin Bieber one could assume his performances may provide a source pleasure (if you don’t have an aversion to understandably smug teenagers with bowl cuts). But Kate? Really? What fuels the global obsession with this new Royal?

In a world where reality TV has made celebrities of anyone prepared to go on the box and air their dirty laundry, I appreciate that the parametres of stardom have moved somewhat. I’m also not ashamed to admit I’m fascinated with Snooki and have been hopelessly devoted to the car-crash viewing of most reality shows from Big Brother to The Bachelor. If reality TV protagonists are prepared to bare the ugly recesses of their souls for our frivolous entertainment, who am I to switch off?

But here’s the rub. Part of the job description of being a British Royal is to show no emotion in order to set a shining example of decorum (are you listening, Sarah Fergusion?). The Queen is great at it. I bet she’d win any staring contest. I can picture Philip repeatedly challenging her only to be foiled at every turn. And that’s why I’m flummoxed. Precisely because of her ability to reveal nothing I’ve never sat through an airing of the Queen’s Christmas speech. Yawnarama! If I want the Queen, I’ll watch Helen Mirren.

Kate I applaud for having this same quality. She is decorum personified. So what are we all staring at? The Reiss dresses? Don’t we all have one in our own wardrobes? Perhaps it’s the pre-wedding weight-loss? OK, that’s vaguely interesting (the words ‘weight loss’ are almost as popular in search engines as ‘Justin’ and ‘Bieber’), but ‘Bride Loses a Bit of Weight Before Wedding’ is hardly a headline that’s gonna sell papers. So what is it about Kate Middleton that’s so compelling? Perhaps you could tell me in the comment box below. Seriously, I’m intrigued. I also wonder if the world’s interest in the new Duchess of Cambridge will wan or is she with us for good?

Something tells me Ms Middleton will be around far longer than Justin Bieber. Sorry Beliebers, but don’t worry, another teen sensation will fill his Gucci sneakers before you can say “call that a haircut?!”. In the meantime, I’ll continue to bring you all the latest news on both Justin Bieber and Kate Middleton in Bieber Watch and Royal Album, Ahlan! Live’s new daily updates on your favourite celebrities which you’ll find at the top of our homepage. Enjoy!
What do you think Bieber will do at the awards show? Tell us in the comments on Facebook  fan page!